The campus safety committee has asked Professor Ibrahim to study bicycling on his campus. He trains two observers and has them o
bserve the number of cyclists and their safety at various points around campus. Initially, the observers can't agree about what is dangerous behavior. Professor Ibrahim refines his codebooks to clearly define the rating scales and retrains the observers. What is he addressing by doing this?
Good Observations are more reliable and valid. Professor Ibrahim's refinement to define rating scales and be sure observers(seeing how they disagree on their observations and how this could affect research) are following this ensures judgement based on data collected from these individuals(observers) are more reliable, which will ensure construct validity.
From the given case/scenario, we can state that the following case tends to take place due to Josh's personal fable. Personal Fable is known as or referred to as a belief or notion which is held by several adolescents under which they are told that they are unique and special , to such an degree that not even a single life's problems or difficulties can affect them irrespective of their behavior.
Global poverty is defined as the number of people worldwide who live on less than $1.90 a day. A person surviving on less than $1.90 a day lives in extreme poverty, as defined by the World Bank.