C. a percentage of income given by all landowners to the church
She was born on December 22, 1993, which means that she is 21 years old.
She was born in Nantucket, MA (Massachusetts).
In this application of a phenomenon called <u>conditioned taste aversion</u><u>,</u> the toads researchers used are a(n) <u>_</u><u>CS</u><u>____</u>.
- A type of <u>associative learning </u><u>technique</u> in which the animals learn to associate the taste of a certain food with certain illness symptoms caused by toxic,spoiled or Poisonous food item is known as C<u>onditioned taste aversion.</u>
- This phenomenon is also called as <u> "Sauce-Bearnaise Syndrome".</u>
- It was in the year 1950 john Garcia demonstrated this phenomenon