Todos nadamos / Todos nadan (We all swim (Todos nadamos) and You all swim (todos nadan))
Yo no (Not me or no, me would be either yo no or no yo depending on what you want to say (Can I get some context?))
A la semana
los días
nado tres veces (I swim three times (tres veces is perfectly fine))
All were correct depending on what you wanted to say, since I didn't get any context.
1. Amelia y sus amigos miran la tele y mandan mensajes de texto cada noche.
2. Nosotros andamos en bicicleta los sábados.
3. Nancy y Pedro levantan pesas cada mañana.
4. Amelia visita el museo los domingos y saca fotos con su cámara digital.
I hope this answer is correct
The function of the essay's body is to fully develop the argument outlined in the introduction. Each paragraph within the body of the essay elaborates on one major point in the development of the overall argument (although some points may consist of a number of sub-points, each of which will need a paragraph).