YOU GO GIRL! thanks for the free points your smart and creative believe in yourself
wash your hands after going to the restroom stay healthy!
The quality or state of having different forms or types, notable use of contrast, emphasis, difference in size and color.
The best recipe that I use is so simple. Coconut milk (especially with the cream, you can get those with canned coconut milks), add your blueberries, strawberry, stevia if you prefer a little sweeter, I personally like to add bananas to my smoothies so if you want to you, you can do that as well. Then blend it up, if its too thick, add some water and blend it again and itll be perfect.
<span>It was Antonio Vivaldi. He was a well-known Italian
composer, virtuoso violonist and teacher. He was born in 1678 in Venice. In
1703-1715 and 1723-1740 worked in the home for abandoned children Ospedale
della Pieta being ordained as a Catholic priest. Actually, he created a great number of his
compositions specially for the female ensemble there.</span>