#1: Power Up Your Headline.
#2: Take A Strong Lede.
#3: Be an Active Writer.
#4: Give It Some Voice.
#5: Design Your Yearbook Copy.
Paragraph 1
The setting is defined as the description of the time, place, or circumstance in which the event or action took place in the narrative. The first paragraph informs the readers that the characters are 'stuck on the couch' and unable to 'believe the storm' that has come in. They expected themselves to be surfing but this storm has marred their plan. Thus, paragraph 1 informs the readers about the circumstance and the time in which the action is being narrated.
Winter break is a time to travel and visit family. With C-19 rates sky-rocketing and it being flu season, we could use a minimum of 5 days to quarantine maybe. Just a thought.
Time travel can predict the future and what will happen to the world