Mass-production printing techniques, such as high-speed presses and printing on both sides of the paper at once, speeded up production and lowered the price of printed materials. This spawned thousands of new and inexpensive books, magazines, and newspapers, including penny newspapers and dime novels. Lower newspaper prices brought expanded circulation, so millions of people now read the same news stories. More efficient printing techniques also increased the amount of advertising people were exposed to as companies used newspapers and magazines to promote their products. Shopping patterns were also affected; people began to shop long-distance form catalogs, such as those printed by Sears Roebuck and Montgomery Ward. Motion pictures, the roll-film camera, and airplanes also improved the transmission of information. Students who feel the trend toward a mass culture is positive could say that advertising made people aware of many products that could improve their lives and that mass-circulation newspapers made people better informed. Those who disagree might say that mass advertising fosters an emphasis on material values and a more inform rather than varied culture.
The word that best describes modern life for Japanese teenager such as Asuka is isolated.
He changes from a cared-for house pet to a wild hunter.
In the situation, salivation was the unconditioned response.