Because the return type of the function is void. void means does not return any thing.
The syntax of the function:
type name( argument_1, argument_2,......)
in the declaration the type define the return type of the function.
it can be int, float, double, char, void etc.
For example:
int count( int index);
the return type of above function is int. So, it return integer.
void count(int index);
it return type is void. So, it does not return any thing.
A Storage Area Network (SAN) is a high-speed sub network of shared storage devices. A SAN's architecture works in a way that makes all storage devices available to all servers on a LAN or WAN. As more storage devices are added to a SAN, they too will be accessible from any server in the larger network.
cool math if its not blocked
The scheme where you can find the greatest common divisor (GCD) of two integers by repetitive application of the division algorithm is known as Euclidean Algorithm.
The Euclidean Algorithm for calculating GCD of two numbers X and Y can be given as follows:
- If X=0 then GCD(X, Y)=Y since the Greatest Common Divisor of 0 and Y is Y.
- If Y=0 then GCD(X, Y)=X since the Greates Common Divisor of 0 and X is X.
- Let R be the remainder of dividing X by Y assuming X > Y. (R = X % Y)
- Find GCD( Y, R ) because GCD( X, Y ) = GCD(Y, R ).
- Repeat the above steps again till R = 0.
// code in C++.
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
// main function
int main()
// variables
int length=10,height=7,width=5;
// find the volume of
int vol=length*height*width;
// find the surface area
int sa=2*(length*width+length*height+height*width);
// find the perimeter
int peri=4*(length+width+height);
// print the volume
cout<<"Volume is: "<<vol<<" cm^3."<<endl;
// print the surface area
cout<<"Surface area is: "<<sa<<" cm^2."<<endl;
// print the perimeter
cout<<"Perimeter is: "<<peri<<" cm."<<endl;
return 0;
Declare and initialize length=10, width=5 and height=7.calculate volume by multiply length, width and height and assign to variable "vol".Then find the surface area as 2*(length*width+length*height+height*width) and assign it to variable "sa".Then find the perimeter as 4*(length+width+height) and assign to variable "peri". Print the volume, perimeter and surface area.
Volume is: 350 cm^3.
Surface area is: 310 cm^2.
Perimeter is: 88 cm.