It can be written as 825/1000. You can simplify this to get the simplest form which would be 33/40. All decimals are out of one, they are a part. When you first get a decimal, put the numbers such as 825 on top. The last number is in the thousandths place, so it is out of 1000. 1000 is your denominator. Your fraction is then 825/1000. From here you can simplify if possible.
Hope this helps ^-^
The answer
Step-by-step explanation:
the width of a rectangular prism which has a height of 10 feet and a length of 14 feet should be 140 square feet
Know the order of operations. However, one of the trickiest things about solving an algebra<span> equation as a beginner is knowing where to start. Luckily, there's a specific order for solving these problems: first </span>do<span> any math operations in parentheses, then </span>do<span> exponents, then multiply, then divide, then add, and finally subtract</span>