The point of the cold war was to see what nation could prove to have better technology.
Answer- the arms race was so important because it helped fuel the cold war the cold war was based off the arms race because nations were simultaneously producing technology better than eachother or trying to prove to eachother that if another country could do it so could they. The cold war was a fight between the U.S and the soviet union proving eachothers nuclear power trying to threaten eachother. Both nations were stockpiling weapons, and spending billions to show their technological advancement in nuclear weapons.
You can move things around to make it more simple or straightforward but thats about it
It was inhumane to americans, especially since the laws here say you can't drink alcohol at 18, but you can die in war at 18.
It was inhumane to Vietnamese, who to this day are still suffering the consequences of the war.
<em>the Gupta empire continued resisting the invasions of the Huns</em>, a nomadic people who lived in Central Asia and Eastern Europe, between the 4th and 6th century.
The Hun invaders were defeated by Bhanugupta in 510. They were also defeated and driven out of India in 528 by king Yashodharman, and by emperor Narasimhagupta.
It is said that such invasions had long-term effects on India, contributing to the end of this classical Indian civilization.
Slaves were used for labour, as well as for amusement