Yes, I believe it is important for average Americans to have an accurate understanding of American history in order to understand our hectic present today.
The importance of this study is that the future of our nation is at stake. Knowledge of a nation's history by its citizens is essential to preserving all democratic societies. Americans need to understand the past in order to make sense of a chaotic present and an inchoate future.
It casued the great rural-urban mirgration of farmers to the cities looking for new jobs and led to the develpment of many technologies like penecillin, a commen vacine
The greatest federalist failing in the federalist era was that they failed to officially protect against corruption in the federal government, which was a major concern for many. Another was that they failed to dispel rumors that the new government would become too powerful over the states.
I don't remember the wars, but it is common sense. Mountains in war are used for protection for a country, so other countries trying to invade will have a difficult time trying to invade the Greek-City states. Hope this helps!