Answer: The Underground Railroad work by giving slaves and place to stay. The slaves went from house to house with a light in a window. Most of the houses had secret areas or false floors and carts. The slave would either get in one of the false floor area or get in the cart.
Harriet Tubman was the leader of the underground railroad. She would tell the slaves a certain time to go to each house.
You should write about what he discovered and how it affects us today and about the steps leading to the day he found a way to sail around the island
<em><u>first way:</u></em> the conditions and positions of women improved while world war and various females practiced on the roles of males. the power and control of women impacts improved their position in society.
<em><u>second way:</u></em> the special 19 reform being accepted at congress on the 4th of june 1919,and the woman suffrage clause did ratify on the 18 of august 1920. the women's 'testimonial' deemed favor in the female voice power to vote.
in addition to all of this women could now handle jobs men have been doing for many years, they could forge,be a silversmith,or even be a doctor!
The answer is A.) The British lost.
Answer: transitional words and phrases to indicate to a reader a change in a point, topic, or subject in the essay they are reading. They are usually found in the first sentence of a paragraph examining a new point in the argument. They strengthen what a written assignment seeks to convey, explain, or argue to the reader