The first permanent U.S. settlement was Jamestown
A division of labor occurred when people started producing a surplus of food because it was no longer necessary to use all of the labor force to subsist off of agricultural goods. Once a society or community can produce enough to survive and eat the labor force will begin to work in other industries creating a division of labor this could include making textiles, building homes, or any other number of economic activities.
John Cabot
Newfoundland has strong claims to being the longest serving colony in the British Empire. It could even claim to being the oldest colony if you are not counting Wales, Ireland and the Channel Islands. It was claimed for the English as long ago as 1497 by John Cabot working on behalf of the British Crown.
he was not a good leader
he couldn't deal with the financial problems left behind by his grandfather and kind of neglected his people. him and his wife tried to flee the country but they were caught and executed
Protestants made peace with the catholic.