The Japanese Attack on Pearl Harbor and Germany's aggression and unrestricted submarine warfare sinking U.S. Ships.
Ratifies treaties is the answer you are looking for
Answer: Economic reasons.
It was not until 1917 that the United States entered the war. During the war, the United States provided loans to the Entente forces for military, medical, and food supplies. These loans were primarily the burden of the French and the United Kingdom. In this way, the US has profited from these loans.
The problem was that the Entente could lose the war. In these circumstances, the indebted countries would not be able to repay the loan to America. Because of this fact, the United States decides to engage in war to help the anthem win and to secure its economic benefit by borrowing.
It's in state department Telegrams to all Diplomats and Consulates that said
"this Govt may within this next few hours recognize Provisional Jewish Govt as de facto authority of the Jewish state"