Are you talking about the house of the Scorpion? If so, El patron was a horrible guy and his childhood was awful. Since matt is a clone of him, they are the same person and he wanted him to relive his childhood for him.
If Willa and I hear from our parents then we will let you know.
I don’t understand your question
The haiku " Birds scatter in flight Colorful specks in the air Noisy confetti" makes use of a 5/7/5 syllable pattern.
Haiku is a traditional Japanese poem. The number of lines present in a haiku is 3. First line line has 5 syllables. The second line has 7 syllables. Third line also has 5 syllables. Syllables is nothing but a part of a word that can be pronounced as a unit. These haiku rarely contains rhyming words.
The above haiku can be split into syllable as follows:
Birds /sca/ tter/ in/ flight/
Co/ lor/ ful/specks/ in/ the/ air
Noi/sy/con/fe/ tti
Coherence in writing is the logical bridge between words, sentences, and paragraphs. Coherent writing uses devices to connect ideas within each sentence and paragraph.
So the best answer would be: the order of ideas enabling the reader to move easily from point to point