Population used to be centered differently
The East Coast was where the US began and the rust belt was where the US became wealthy. So, the majority of the district banks reflect that history.
The origin of Buddhism points to one man, Siddhartha Gautama, the historical Buddha, who was born in Lumbini (in present-day Nepal) during the 5th century BCE.
Fundamental freedom
Fundamental freedom is related to the rights of a person to express their feelings of emotion to a particular religion, society community, etc. Fundamentals are the rights of a person express their concern about their religion, about their country, about their safety in their country. People can protest for their rights.
If something is going wrong that is against your fundamental law. Fundamental freedom to express their rights is mostly applicable in all countries. But these are according to their culture and environment, these laws vary.
The practice of Iconoclasm was deeply rooted in the medieval ages. First instances came from the Byzantine empire where the reign of Leo third and Leo fifth witnessed wide-scale destruction of painting, idols, and monument which were sacred to religious practice in Christianity. A major iconoclast event took place in the time of Martin Luther where a section of the Radical reformation movement took the task of destruction of religious institutions. The main reason for this could be found in the ten commandments whose interpretation restricts the painting and construction of religious icons.
massacred by the millions.
The Armenian genocide occurred with the rising of nationalism in the Ottoman Empire as Armenians recognize as an unwanted cultural minority. Genocides in Armenia began in 1915 by the Young Turks continued until 1918, and the purpose of the massacre was their faith. The Armenians were Christian while the Turks were Muslim. Despite the discords in the country, the Armenian people flourished under Ottoman control. They had better educated and wealthy than Turkish, who in turn began to envy. It estimates that 1.5 million Armenians died.