El huipil es una prenda de vestir usada por mujeres pertenecientes a la cultura maya.
This is a Spanish summary of what a "huipil" is:
El huipil es una prenda de vestir tradicional usada generalmente por mujeres de la cultura maya en Guatemala. A su vez, el huipiil es una prenda de vestir muy coloridacon estampados y que tiene forma de blusa. Esta prenda se usa con una falda tradicional.
In English it says something like this:
The huipil is like a garment traditionally worn by women of the Mayan culture in Guatemala. Besides, the huipiil is a very colorful garment with prints and It has the shape of a blouse or a dress. This garment is worn with a traditional skirt. i got this from another brainly
Amigo- is a word used in Spanish for friend, which is supposedly used in English also meaning for friend. However when someone who speaks English uses the word Amigo they use it more like slang. In Spanish Amigo is friend, and compañera/o means more of an acquaintance. There is also colega which means colleague, compadre can also be used as spanish slang for friend. Amigote is another word for Amigo.
I have a good number of tasks to do in my house. One of them is cleaning the kitchen and dusting all the cabinets in my house. I also have to make sure my room is cleaned every day and the bathroom. Another of my tasks is to clean the room and make sure everything is together. We have a lot of few rooms in my house and I am charging to clean some of them. The room in which you will describe your family room has some sofa sofas, TV, a technical task and a small closet.