A blimp needs to be moored when not flying because plenty of space is needed so the blimp has to be free. They have to be moored by the front end to a tall mast on a truck specially equipped for this purpose.
I have Aviation History so I kinda of undertsnd.
That they should fight on the beaches
He alone knew how deep was the deluded man's chagrin at the failure of the little plot which he fancied was prospering finely
"He's so unreliable!" she said crossly.
Since I learned shorthand, I can take dictation at eighty words a minute.
The magazine was read quite widely even by some of the hierarchy"
I gasped at the impertinence of the suggestion
With the rapture of great winds to blow
I’m not sure what this means, could you give more information about the question or passage or whatever?
In Chaucer's "The Canterbury Tales" the reader is introduced to the Pardoner in "the Pardoner's Tale". What is ironic about the Pardoner is that he would often preach that money was the root of all evil, but then he would sell pardons (official documents that pardoned sins).