The expedient puting an end to the feudal system of. Using land without paying any revenue to the State. This would make feelings and a situation of equality among various classes of people.
Correct. The head of the femur is the ball portion of the hip joint, which articulates with the acetabulum of the hip bone which forms the socket.
Socialization is the process in which cultural values, norms, customs are passed on from generations to generations in order to incorporate more individuals.
The stage in which an individual confronts the possibility that the expectations and reality may diverge and where an individual gets to know that what organization is like in reality is refer to as the Encounter stage of socialization.
A light goes on in a room just before an excruciatingly loud buzzer sounds. A subject who startles when the light goes on shows RESPONDENT behavior, but one who leaves the room to avoid the noise exhibits OPERANT behavior.
RESPONDENT BEHAVIOR are behaviors that you may not have full control of, they are like reflexes. While OPERANT BEHAVIOUR are all behaviors that can be controlled, and are voluntary.