José Martí hace referencia a la historia <em>"de su esencia,"</em> lo que quiere decir que su insistencia es hacia el aprendizaje de la historia propia de nuestro país, raza y ascendencia.
José Martí</em><em>.</em></h3>
José Julián Martí Pérez fue un poeta y político cubano con estrecha relación con la revolución, razón por la cual objetaba constantemente el pensamiento europeo y lo argumentaba mediante el pensamiento latinoamericano y las necesidades de su pueblo.
Martí mencionó en numerosas ocasiones que <em>"los </em><em>hispanoamericanos</em><em> deben buscar su propia </em><u><em>esencia</em></u><em> y </em><u><em>autenticidad</em></u><em>"</em>, lo que quiere decir que insta a todas las personas a aprender su propia historia, no la de otros pueblos o civilizaciones, sino la suya propia, con el fin de reconocerse.
Si quieres aprender un poco más sobre José Martí, puedes visitar el siguiente enlace:
- <u>Translated from Spanish language:</u>
"Try it! Fill in the blanks Activity Textbook Instructions Indicates the appropriate reciprocal reflexive of these verbs in the present or past tense. February 21 11:59 PM 3 attempts remaining Grade settings External references Grammar presentation 386-387 Questions present Model (write) The bride and groom are written. Question 1 with 3 blanks (write) Us. Ana and Ernesto. You . Question 2 with 3 blanks (listen) My uncles. We . They . Question 3 with 3 blanks (see) Us. Fernando and Tomás. You . Question 4 with 3 blanks (call) They. My brothers . Pepa and me preterito Modelo (greet) Nicolás and you greeted each other. Question 5 with 3 blanks (greet) Our neighbors. We . Armando and Daniel. Question 6 with 3 blanks (talk) Friends. Helena and me . You . Question 7 with 3 blanks (meet) Alberto and me. You . They . Question 8 with 3 blanks (find) Ana and Javier. The cousins . My sister and I."
I'm 99.9% sure the answer is letter C.
Huasos are similar to cowboys in the United States. They deal mainly with cattle but can also be involved with farming. Most of the Huasos live south of Santiago.
Their clothing is very traditional. They wear a hat with a completely flat, round brim. It is traditionally black. They wear knee-high leather boots with spurs.
They generally wear a black, grey, or beige sash around their waist, with part of the sash hanging to the left. A short jacket that doesn’t cover the sash is worn over this.
Finally, a poncho is worn on top of this. The colors of the poncho depend on where the Huaso comes from.