The story of Jonathan is from the novel "Civil Peace" which is a 1971 short story by Chinua Achebe. It is about the effects of the Nigerian Civil War<span> (1967–1970) on the people, and the "civil peace" that followed.
</span><span>The camp officials and soldiers have money to spare compared to Jonathan.</span><span>
The first one, a brother & sister that immigrated to the Us from Ireland as children. The reason why is because they experienced the struggles as an immigrant first hand instead of using someone else's story, giving it more credibility.
13x + 16y = 58
10x + 19y = 58
5x + 13y = 58
15x + 15y = 58
17x + 12y = 58
By finding a common interest that both of those people would have whether it is music, Political views, culture or religion etc;