The only role of government in a laissez-faire economy is to prevent any coercion against individuals.
Theft, fraud, and monopolies prevent rational market forces from operating. Laissez-faire policies need three components to work: capitalism, the free market economy, and rational market theory.
The Free Soil Party was an American political party that only survived through two presidential elections, in 1848 and 1852. Essentially a single issue reform party dedicated to stopping the spread of slavery to new states and territories in the West, it attracted a very dedicated following.
The Age of Absolutism refers to period in French history where the Monarch has Absolute power over the country and all it's resources.
An example is that of Napoleon Bonaparte or Louis the 16th. As absolute Monarchy, there were increases in taxation to not only help build a powerful army but also to fund the lavish lifestyles of these kings.
A king would also influence the local religion and social customs that would sometimes out them in odds with other religiously motivated monarchs in Europe.
As tensions grew and the government expenditure grew even larger, a war and territorial gain would be seen as the best way to not only increase power but eventually generate more revenue.
This was in stark contrast to smaller countries in Europe, especially modern-day Belgium or Germany where the power of the King was gradually decreasing.
They could neither build an army as big as France's and did not have the will to do so.
Hence, during this time, the French were able to annex millions of acres of new land and build the largest territorial Empire in Europe.
Answer: Rachel carson's 1962 Silent Spring was ground breaking work in regards to the topic of pesticide.
For years, city-dwellers with little contact with nature or farming communities were reassured that there was no need for worry about these chemicals. But Rachel Carson wrote a book about them in 1962 called "Silent Spring". It proved so controversial that many libraries refused to carry it and major publications would not review it. Nevertheless, enough copies sold so that is became one of the most influential environmental books ever written, selling out its first run of 50,000 copies in 3 months.