1. Abstract noun - can be neither seen nor touched. (<em>happiness; liberty</em> etc)
2. Transitive verb - has a receiver named. (He bought <em>a new car </em>)
3. Intransitive verb - has no receiver named. (They are <em>growing </em>)
4. Superlative degree - expresses highest or lowest degree of comparison (the greatest ; the most important etc)
5. Joint ownership - add sign of possession to last name (John and Sara's house)
6. Verb tense - indicates time (Present: I <em>sing</em>. - - Future: I <em>will</em> sing.)
7. Adverb suffix - ly (carefully ; quickly etc)
8. Modifies a noun - adjective (A <em>beautiful</em> house.)
After defeating Grendel, King Hothgar celebrates with a feast and beowulf falls asleep. But then, Grendel's mother comes to attack for revenge, which brings sorrow to King Hrothgar. Hrothgar is also sad that the battle isn't over and that more of his men might die, including Beowulf who is the only one that can save them.
Google scholar and type into the search bar if you want pro or con and a lot should come up
Her Dad gave that diary to her for one of her birthday's and she often wrote in it to express her hope as well as to document the experiences her, her family and friends had.
Scrooge is able to fly because of Magic