The Constitution may have been left unclear so that it can be flexable in the situation that the victum, subject, or criminal are in.
Brainliest answer?
Because of the impact or what it resulted in.
Rule by a few called an aristocracy, Rule by many called a democracy, rule by many called a polity.
Aristotles believed that the best form of government was a combination of the best aspects of Democracy and Aristocracy, that form would be similar to the Polity.
The rule by one is called a Monarchy, and its negative form is Tyranny.
The rule by a few is called Aristocracy, were the best and wisest are in charge of government. The negative form is called oligarchy. In an oligarchy, a few rule but not in the interest of the common good.
The rule of many is a Polity, and its negative form is a Democracy. Aristotle believed that allowing the direct participation of everyone in a society (Greek democracy was direct) made a city impossible to rule.
Communism, socialism, democracy?? Hope this helped. Let me know if you were looking for a different type of answer