There are a vast majority of benefits that come from being connected to digital media 24/7. One of these benefits is the fact you can call or send a text to someone from across the world in the matter of seconds. Another benefit is the way you can search up recipes, instructions, guides, etc. for an activity you're trying to do. Lastly, one more benefit is the vast amount of entertainment digital media provides us, such as sports, cooking shows, and even video games.
Sorry if this is not what you were looking for. Also I think I have a couple grammatical errors I apologize.
Answer: Classic Conditioning
In Classical conditioning, the conditioned stimulus was previously a neutral stimulus that eventually becomes to trigger a conditioned responses after becoming associated with the unconditioned stimulus.
Here is an illustration of classic conditioning, the unconditioned stimulus (food) is presented repeatedly just after the presentation of the neutral stimulus (bell). After conditioning, the neutral stimulus alone produces a conditioned response (salivation), thus becoming a conditioned stimulus. Explanation, from this illustration, one salivates whenever it sees food but before the present the food, a bell is rung. Overtime just ringing the bell makes the person to start salivating.
Due To Scattering, Refraction and Defraction
Red color gets scatted the most. That's why can be seen in the foggy environment, and that;s why traffic light red is the most prominent. In dark, phenomena like scattering, refraction and defraction act together. In the absence of light, scattering can be less and refraction contribute to judge the color of the object. Now between the human eyes and the object, there are two phenomena " refraction and defraction, which makes the watcher spot his shirt as dark grey.
Would that be an archaeologist?
A symbol is an object or an image that represents something else besides what it is materially. Usually, there is no connection between the object and what it represents but there is a consense among the people that it is that way. It also allows people to go beyond what is known and create linkages between different concepts and experiences.
I hope this answer helps you.