The invention of the printing press by Gutenberg
protestant movements succeeded a great deal because of the invention of the printing press which enabled people to access the bible and theological materials and compare them with the status quo of the catholic church. The catholic church had long abused the ignorance of the laymen in access in the bible to come up with dogmas and canon laws that are un-Biblical. Some of the catholic liturgical traditions are yet to be repealed.
Well, we all know that Leonardo Di Vinci was an AMAZING artist during the Renaissance, he painted the Mona Lisa, The Last Meal, and many many more, he was also an inventor, he even tried creating his own child... out of wood...
As of Donte, do you mean Donte pettis?
Public administration is the more general term, while bureaucracy refers to a particular organizational form, and especially to the ideal-type model developed by Max Weber. As the concept was developed by Weber, bureaucracy was meant to be the highest level of development of rational-legal governance.✨
It is from a website
Have a great time studying
They met in the Berlin Conference