It changed over time because women started to want to wear different things. With the bicycle it changed because the movement needed to be fast. Because of the design of the bicycle from the early 1800's women most likely wore what they wore out of the household, including long skirts, blouses up to the necks and huge sun hats.
Put all of the direct sources you use (books, websites, magizines etc.)
List them in order using their citation including the author and the publisher. The easiest way to make one is easybib- it automatically sites sources for you
If you are not careful, you can burn yourself or if anyone else is around, you can burn others. Take Note: BE SAFE AROUND FIRE, FLAMMABLE SUBSTANCES, OR FLAMMABLE ITEMS! KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN!!!
2nd time and the not the only thing that is y is the start date and time is a lot of the geologic and I hope you