Nero. He had established a low-tax policy, while at the same time a irresponsible spending. This led to a recession. One of the reasons he ordered the murder of innocent people is because always paranoid about
plots which he thought were against him. Some people near him thought he was an insecure and inmature man. He had failed to have the leadership for building a strong government.
The correct answer is NERO. He ruled the Roman Empire from 54 to 68 AD. Nero started well as emperor being his first measures the reducing of taxes, the banning of Capital punishment and giving the Senate a sort of independence. Nero showed himself in public as a lover of theatre and music, meanwhile in private he had a dark side. The Emperor had a conflictive relationship with his mother Agrippina, a controlling mother. As he did not want to be controlled by his mother any more, he decided to kill her. As Nero’s reign was a sort of tyranny, he begun to have misunderstandings with the Senate which declared him a public enemy. In addition, on July19th, 64 Rome got fire. Although scholars are not sure about what caused the fire, many of them argue that it was Nero who initiated it causing the death of many innocent people. Finally, Nero committed suicide on June 9th, 68.