India and China
India and China dominated the world economic activity at the time of Columbus voyage in 1492 that discovered the New World. Trade very much conducted within the region between Asia and Europe through the Silk Route. The Silk Route is one of the oldest trade routes that linked China to the western world. The Silk Road routes stretched from China through India, then reached to Europe crossing the deserts. Some of the goods that traded were silk, tea, porcelain, sugar, ivory, spices, cotton, wool, gold, and silver.
In 1918, Du Bois published an editorial called "close ranks," which called on African Americans to support the war effort.
I majored in History.
The Treaty Of Paris.
It began in 1754 and ended in 1763.
Chinese, Germen, English
Although printing was first invented in China, Johannes Gutenberg invented the European moveable type printing press in Germany sometime between the late 1430s and early 1440s.He is, of course, the namesake of his most famous book—the Gutenberg Bible, printed in 1452. The Gutenberg Bible, also called the 42-line Bible because each page has 42 lines of text, was one of the first books to be printed in mass production using movable type. Although mass production in this sense still means fewer than 200 identical copies, Gutenberg's printing made the Bible more affordable than the handwritten copies available at the time, which could take more than a year to produce.The Gutenberg Bible is the most famous book published by Gutenberg, but researchers believe he printed other books earlier, possibly Latin grammar schoolbooks.Gutenberg's printing process was revolutionary and heralded in the age of printed books and the Renaissance. His first innovation was a way to efficiently cast individual letters out of metal. When using moveable type, printers have sets of individual metal letters and symbols that they place one at a time to make the template for printing each page. And, of course, everything has to be set in a mirror image of what the final page should look like, so it isn't as straightforward as typing letter-by-letter on a typewriter or computer.This process of creating books with moveable letters made editing printed books possible in a way that hadn't been possible before. For example, in the earliest printings of the Gutenberg Bible, the first few pages were printed with only 40 lines of type. It was only in the later printings that pages had 42 lines of type. Gutenberg presumably reduced the spacing between lines so he could squeeze in more text and save paper.
John Adams was the president who sacrificed his popularity.