Narnia has a absolute advantage over that product, but the acceptance and actual profit of the product depends on many factors, one of them being the preference of people from that country. It doesn't matter if Narnia has a little more advantage in that production, if people from Alzuria would not buy their product, it would not be a fair trade and Narnia could actually loose money because they would not sell as many products in Alzuria.
Imperialism caused problems in Asia and Africa
These actions shows that the prefrontal cortex of the Emily has matured is true.
- The function of the prefrontal cortex is to make humans think about a particular issue for planning and execution of certain ideas.
- It also helps in decision making and also supports the concrete rule of learning.
- Here Emily think , plan and decide the factors which are required to the dance and costume.
- If the prefrontal cortex is get damaged they could not able to control the emotional feeling when comparing to the normal people.