Answer: Refuse the listing
Explanation:Listing is a term mainly used in trade of stocks, bonds,real and and other commodities,when a potential vendor(a person given the authority to sell or the owner who wants to sell) has specifically stated that he will not be entraining any offers from a client it is better to refuse the listing in order to prevent any dispute or conflicts which can arise due to the preferences from the vendor.
After hurricane Katrina, many minorities were prevented from moving into particular neighborhoods due to newly established laws about property ownership. these laws were found to be discriminatory because they excluded certain groups of people from the opportunity to choose where to live—an opportunity that was granted to others. The term discrimination denotes treating someone unfavourably because of a some characteristics or believes.
Guilt results when ideal standards are violated. According to Freud, this a function of the superego.
Answer: Unsought
Unsought products or good are those good items that consumers are not interested in or do not have any knowledge about it.Thus, usually buyers end up not buying such product.Buyers do not show any actual desire to buy such products until due to emergency of danger.
According to the question,dryer vent brush for Stanley is unsought product as she is not aware about its working and ease that will help her to clean vent .Thus, she thinks such product does not exist in market.