In compound sentence, there are two independent clauses that are joined using a coordinator. While in complex sentence, there are two or more clauses with one essentially an independent clause while there can be on or more dependent clauses. The difference between compound and complex sentence is that there is no dependent clause in compound sentence and at least there is one dependent clause in complex sentence.
The text seems to indicate that all around the wreck is sand as far as the eye can see, hence boundless.
This shows that Jackie Robison are putting aside their differences and becoming one. They both hope to stop racism by showing the world their friendship and showing that differences don't matter. This is why friendship between Jackie Robinson and Pee Wee Reese became a narrative of hope in the fight against racial injustice.
I would debate on not testing on animals because not only would it possibly harm the animals but the results would also no be completely accurate. Rather it be actual volunteering humans.