A. Drafting
It shows what kind of idea and then you can sum up everything
I'm sorry, but this question doesn't make any sense? Could you explain it a bit? You should also consider if this question fits in the subject English? Maybe better in math?
statement that best explains how Neil de Grasse Tyson’s “Death by Black Hole”
and Billy Collins’s “Man Listening to Disc” present differing views about the
universe would be choice letter c, “Collins’s poem puts forth the idea that
humans can become the center of the universe, while Tyson reveals that humans
are insignificantly small and weak in comparison to a black hole.<span>”</span></span>
1. The truck tumbled down the street rapidly.
2. The man drudged home from a day of work sadly.
It said I could add my own choice of adjectives or adverbs after the sentences and so, I did just that. I hope this helps!