It is protected by the fact that it has a system of separation of powers with three branches that control each other and prevent tyrannical behavior from a single branch. They are also separated into local provinces and autonomous regions that are ruled by small scale governments that have some degree of independence and that could easily oppose a new form of tyrannical government.
Sugar was a large commodity in Cuba and it helped make up a large amount of it's economy and after the tariff Cuba had lost its largest sugar buyer and it killed the economy
There are numerous differences between a dictatorship and a democracy. One difference is that in a dictatorship the leader has absolute authority while in a democracy the power of government is left up to the people. Another difference is that in a dictatorship leaders are very oppressive towards their citizens. If the citizens are unhappy with government and stand up against it then they are met with force. In a democracy, if the people are unhappy with their leaders they will replace the leader with a new one. A final example is that democratic government systems place checks on leaders to limit their power. In a dictatorship, there are no checks against the government. The dictator has unlimited power.
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