Dream Variations” by Langston Hughes and “The Tropics in New York” by Claude McKay both depict a longing for another place. [ What are the places and what do they represent? 2. In Langston
Background Hughes’s poem “I, Too,” the speaker refers to himself as “the darker brother.” In “A Black Man Talks of Reaping,” the speaker refers to the white man’s children as “my brother’s sons.”
Disappointed and upset are very similar. If your parents told you you were getting ice cream and then you didn’t, you’d be disappointed, which could also be described as upset.
Millions of patients donate tissue altruistically for research, but doctors and researchers can’t know at the outset whose donation, if any, will end up making money. That’s not to say that there aren’t times when compensation is appropriate.
The answer would be “ Paiute boys eat the game they kill after they have completed the manhood ceremony”