Real Exchange Rate computed as German goods per U.S. goods: 2
Cost in the US: 0.50 dollar
Cost in Germany: 1 euro
Real Exchange Rate: German Goods / U.S. Goods
Real Exchange Rate: 1 / 0.50 = 2
The real exchange rate measures the price of foreign goods relative to the price of domestic goods.
Merchant wholesaler
A merchant wholesaler is a business owner that specializes in purchasing goods in large quantities and then sell to other retailers and wholesalers.
Since they purchase their products in large quantities, they have different warehouses in their acquisition. These warehouses are used to store the products.
Merchant wholesalers are very vital in the chain of distribution as they facilitate the smooth movement of goods which takes places between the producers and the retailers.
In the scenario described above, W.W. Grainger is an example of a merchant wholesaler.
variable cost per unit 150 dollars
As we aren't provided with a volume. We calculate considering variable costying system which onyl count variable cost as cost of goods manufactured:
raw material $ 75 per unit
labor 5 hours x 14 per hour = $ 70 per unit
variable ovehread $ 5 per unit
Variable cost per unit $ 150 per unit
the fixed overhead cost
5,110 + 3,730 + 1,550 + 6,600 + 8,760 = 25,750
will be considered cost of the period under variable costing
Effect on income= $68,580 increase
<u>Because it is a special order, and there is unused capacity, we will not take into account the fixed costs. Only the variable ones.</u>
<u>First, we need to calculate the unitary cost:</u>
Unitary cost= 46.1 + 8.8 + 1.8 + 1.3
Unitary cost= $58
<u>Now, the effect on the income of accepting the offer:</u>
Effect on income= 2,700*(83.4 - 58)
Effect on income= $68,580 increase