An example of personification is:
I placed a jar in Tennessee, / . . . It made the slovenly wilderness / Surround that hill (Stevens, "The Anecdote of the Jar")
The correct option is A.
Personification is the representation of things in human qualities or nature in abstract terms.
In the above lines from the poem "The Anecdote of the Jar" by Wallace Stevens the jar has been personified as a symbol of technology and humanity and Tennessee is a symbol of nature and wilderness. The poem is about the struggles and hardships which a human undergoes to overcome the wilderness. The human-made creation like jar restricts the intensity of the wilderness as humans control nature.
Usually the father of the bride gives the bride away. However the brother of a bride can give her away if the father has pasted. A bride's escort is a person that the bride chooses to give her away.
Here are a few reasons why urban is better. 1. It is closer to places such as hospitals, stores, and gas stations. 2. You are closer to other people and there are more opportunities for socializing. 3. If there is an emergency the police and paramedics can get to you faster. Good luck on the assignment!
C. The candidate attempts to be humorous.