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Relative location shows how things are related by technology, distance or culture.
The advantages of relative location for commercial activities are: forming a sense of community by getting to know your customers better, having repeat customers who are more likely to be loyal because they live in close proximity, the ability to advertise locally which can attract new customers, you can reward local customers which can increase loyalty, and can contribute to the local community by benefiting customers and local nonprofits.
The transhumance and the nomadic ranching may seem very similar, but they are not and they have one very big important difference between them. The transhumance ranching is the type of ranching where the ranchers are moving their livestock seasonally. That usually happens twice a year. The movement occurs when the season change. It is driven by the climate, and it can be when there's wet and dry season, or warm and cold season, and the movement can be vertical, from the mountains toward the lowlands and vice versa, or horizontal, toward places with more suitable weather conditions at that period. The The nomadic ranching, on the other side, is a type of ranching where the livestock is moved constantly, almost on a daily or 799727#readmore
Their economy will do better with the oil wealth. however conflict may get worse within the southern part of Russia, since that part is already ethnically diverse and want to get away from Russia <span />