This text is being printed via the PRINT command."
On the next line, I'll use CLS, which will clear everything I just printed, so you won't even see the preceding text."
Also, you can't give CLS a line to PRINT; it won't actually do anything"
Finally, on line 80, I
It is is A
Becuase if you shrink a text thats just the answer
If "Outlook" is one of the options then thats the answer.
A- overusing highlights lowers the contrast and degrads the effect of the highlights.
Check the explanation
Keep two iterators, i (for nuts array) and j (for bolts array).
while(i < n and j < n) {
if nuts[i] == bolts[j] {
We have a case where sizes match, output/return
else if nuts[i] < bolts[j] {
what this means is that the size of nut is lesser than that of bolt and we should go to the next bigger nut, i.e., i+=1
else {
what this means is that the size of bolt is lesser than that of nut and we should go to the next bigger bolt, i.e., j+=1
Since we go to each index in both the array only once, the algorithm take O(n) time.