High quality page for a common interpretation always have different Needs Met rating than the high quality page for a minor interpretation of the query.
Although, both of this pages are of high quality we must differentiate the common from a minor interpretation of a query.
Needs Met should always know to place the high quality pages in a resolution hierarchy.
Answer: True
Subset sum problem and Knapsack problem can be solved using dynamic programming.
In case of Knapsack problem there is a set of weights associative with objects and a set of profits associated with each object and a total capacity of knapsack let say C. With the help of dynamic programming we try to include object's weight such that total profit is maximized without fragmenting any weight of objects and without exceeding the capacity of knapsack, it is also called as 0/1 knapsack problem.
Similar to knapsack problem, in subset sum problem there is set of items and a set of weights associated with the items and a capacity let say C, task is to choose the subset of items such that total sum of weights associated with items of subset is maximized without exceeding the total capacity.
On the basis of above statements we can say that subset sum problem is generalization of knapsack problem.
Give at least one reason why it's useful to learn how to solve and program solutions with a limited set of commands. So that when there is more commands we know how to use the ones we have. parameters help generalize the solution to a specific problem. how are functions with parameters an example of abstraction?
Scanner can be used to read tokens from the console window (user input)
Scanner is a class used in some programming languages to obtain inputs from users.
It is mostly well developed in Java programming language and used exclusively for taking and obtaining inputs.
Scanner takes input in primitive types such as doubles, floats and integers. IT also takes string inputs.
Here is a code snippet where the class scanner is used:
Scanner input = new Scanner (
The code above creates an object of the scanner class