Based on the passage, it mentions nobility, upper class, and that it was a measure of wealth and status. This time spans from Ancient Latin America to the 1700s which would be a majority of its usage.
The humans arms felt like a snug nest.
nest meaning comforting like a home, a really nice blanket and such. the others don’t really make sense about feeling safe if you put it into literal context
European nations staked claims on paper while tribes claimed the ground itself, but the border remained a work in progress, an imaginary line, until troops clashed and treaties settled the question.
In 1849, after the Mexican-American War, the United States sent teams of surveyors, soldiers and laborers to mark this new line in the desert, which sounded simple but proved difficult. The teams struggled as the Southwest seethed with conflict.
A lion would have to be one of the most dangerous animals to hunt. Not only are they extremely intelligent, but most lions are separated into prides. Not to mention, a lion can cover 100 yards in 3 to 4 seconds which is crazy fast and extremely overpowered with their overbearing strength. This is why I believe lions are one of the most dangerous animals in the world to hunt.