Parents did not grow up with phones therefore they do not understand how it can be with people being around you with cellphones and you with out, sure cellphones are fun to use social media and such but by high school a cellphone should be allowed not only are cellphones good for social media and talking to friends and meeting new people, but its also good for homework, keeping track of the work due, having a break, communicating with people. Almost all of work is used with a cellphone having to record a project, uploading work, plus its a great way to stay in communication cause lets be honest who wants to get called in a class in high school to come down to the office because you don't have a phone, imagine how the other students would treat your child. Your child would be the odd one out.
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D. the removal or chemical alteration of the majority of a contaminant
Thanks to the guarantees of the First Amendment, Americans have freer access to news than people in most countries. A careful reading of the First Amendment reveals that it protects several basic liberties — freedom of religion, speech, press, petition, and assembly.
I believe the answer is: <span>experience learned helplessness
</span><span>experiening learned helplessness would make indiviudals to perceive the current problems that they face seems to be bigger than it actually is.
This perception would make those individuals to give up more easily and fall into depression.</span>