William Penn (October 14, 1644–July 30, 1718) founded the Province of Pennsylvania, the British North American colony that became the U.S. state of Pennsylvania. The democratic principles that he set forth served as an inspiration for the United States Constitution.
The battle of Gettysburg was the main turning point in the war, resulting in many deaths on both sides. It was then that the North began to dominate the South.
Hopefully, this helps! =)
Ending the war as quickly as possible was seen as a positive because it ended the brutal fighting that had devastated so many. The second reason why some were in favor of the use of the atomic bombs was that it potentially saved the lives of millions of people.
Constituían una sociedad secreta con connotaciones políticas, practicantes de artes marciales. Su objetivo era expulsar a los extranjeros de China. En 1899 emprendieron una campaña de terror por el norte del país que, inicialmente, se dirigió contra misioneros cristianos.