Maybe the most understood and enduring bit of Constantine's political portfolio is the 325 Chamber of Nicaea, a social occasion of around 300 clerics issuing an official articulation confirming Jesus Christ as totally celestial. This announcement of confidence is known as the forerunner to today's still popular Nicene Statement of faith. Indeed, Constantine put his political weight behind this belief, and the world still feels his impact. For example, I live in a somewhat residential community, yet I wouldn't need to go extremely far on a Sunday morning before I'd keep running into a Christian church showing the Nicene Statement of faith or citing it as an assemblage.
Henry Ford increased the production and sale of automobiles by introducing an assembly line and low prices.
Nationalism convinced the people of Europe that their own nation could take on any military threat. This was a role nationalism played in the outbreak of world War I.
Nationalism reached a fevered pitch in Europe prior to the first World War. As a political tool, it was the belief that European technological, cultural, economic and military superiority was the cause for the subjugation of more backward economies and cultures.
The pan-Slavic nationalism inspired the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand in Sarajevo in June 1914, an event that led directly to the outbreak of World War I.
First of all, the desire of the public is almost always going to have a pattern, as well as their fears, even though fearing something could be very individual, you still can find a pattern.
In this case, when you're advertising corn flakes, what you need to focus, besides the image, is the message that is being said, and in this case, you need to focus, not only on the quality of the product, but the desire to eat and what this will give you if you eat it, for example, iron. And by saying what you'll get with that, you focus on what happens if you don't get the iron inside the corn flakes, do I get sick? That's what the general public will think and then buy the product.
The Golden Age of Latin literature spanned the last years of the republic and the virtual establishment of the Roman Empire under the reign of Augustus