Mesopotamia, which is basically the upper Middle East now
No hay una santa biblia, sino varios textos importantes.
El cielo y el infierno no son lugares eternos según las enseñanzas budistas.
El budismo puede existir sin Buda. ...
Buda (Siddharta Gautama) nunca se proclamó profeta o dios.
esos son datos curiosos sobre el budismo ojala te sirvan :))
The correct answer is b)
The EU started as an association of countries that seeked economic improvement by boosting their import and export. They signed a series of treated to create three overlapping organizations, one of them being the European Economic Community (the other specified unified Atomic Energy market and the third unified Steel and Carbon Market). These treaties later developed into the modern EU.
Shrimp Pizole hope that helps
Near Turkey, North Africa and Middle East.
This is my description of location of this empire.