Oil Immersion Higher magnification means the light is bent more. At a certain point, the light is bent so much that it can't make it through the objective lens. At that point – usually around 100x for standard lab microscopes – you'll need to put a drop of oil between your specimen and the objective lens.
I am pretty sure that if muscle cells failed to function properly the thing that would happen is being revealed by the first option : A. The muscles will not work. I choose this one because as you know muscles are made of muscle tissue and if cells fail it won't functionate at all.
Answer: Stratigraphy and Biostratigraphy
Relative dating is a method of determination of age, in which one object or organism is compared with the other object or organism found in the heap of strata. It is a method for determining the relative order of the past events, without stating the absolute age.
Stratigraphy is a branch of geology that studies the relative position of the sediments and rocks in the strata with respect to the geological timescale. Biostratigraphy is the branch of stratigraphy which deals with the relative aging of fossils with respect to the strata in which these are found defining a particular period of geological time scale.