1 Es cierto que David es infeliz
2 Es evidente que ella está preparada
3 No es verdad que sea un adolescente rebelde
4 No estoy segura de que tú hermano sea un mandón
5 Creo que mi esposo está despierto
you can say sum like yo tengo pelo largo, pelo rizo, estoy deportista, tengo trece años change to your age, i just put mine. estoy cansada Estoy cansada de aprender en linea (tired of online learning) idk just use google translate if this wasnt
good enough
if you arent comfortable with saying the words on camera, say ur camera isnt working or sum
Sacapuntas in pencil sharpener in spanish
Answer: I would contend that the right answer is actually the B) "de los neumáticos."
Explanation: Just to elaborate a little on the answer, it can be added that the only object from the list that has pressure (presión) in it is the tire (neumático). Gas (option A), windshield (option C), and breaks (option D) do not have pressure in them. Therefore, it is correct to say that the employee working at the gas station did not check the tire pressure.
(A.) Mayte, ¿qué gorras te gustan, las rojas o las anaranjadas?
Technically speaking, this option (B.) would not be wrong if spoken in the right context. :
Mayte, ¿qué gorras le gustan, las rojas o las anaranjadas?