In Microsoft Word, when you highlight existing text you want to replace, you are in overtype or typeover mode. However, this may also be the case when you are in the Find and Replace tool, where you will type in all the exact phrases or words that will eventually be highlighted and then be replaced in just one click.
Most <u>Malware</u> focus on gaining entry over the internet to a secure computer system by finding a working user ID and password combination.
A malware is a small computer program which works on the user’s system without knowing to the user. Different malware works differently.
Some malware sits on the user computer, create multiple unnecessary files and make the hard drive full, some people create viruses to show their computer skills which they tend to prove in a wrong way, some malware sits in the computer to steal data especially while using internet.
So there are malware's like Virus, Worm, Trojan, spyware, etc.
Thx Man i actully didnt think of it before
(Hey do u wanna rp btw (roleplay
yes , because no it is the answer