The way in which boundaries are managed can affect organisational function. For effective functioning, it is important to set up boundaries to create levels of distinctions and integration.
It is The boundary manager determines how a team can work with others that are interested in how the team performs and they persuade too management to support the teams work.
The three primary characteristics of perfect competition are (1) no company holds a substantial market share, (2) the industry output is standardized, and (3) there is freedom of entry and exit. The efficient market equilibrium in a perfect competition is where marginal revenue equals marginal cost.
If Daniel took the cash, he could be found guilty of the crime of embezzlement. Embezzlement is a specific type of theft. It is when someone was entrusted with someone else's property (like an employer) and they steal some/all for their personal benefit.
Hope this helps! :)
moral hazard
Banks reduce the risk of moral hazard when they monitor and supervise how their clients are using the loans and credits made to them.
Some types of credits do not require any type of monitoring or control, e.g. a credit card which a client can use basically however he/she wants to. But other types of credit that are taken for purchasing assets, e.g. a mortgage, must be used by the bank's client to specifically carryout the intended activity.
In economics, moral hazard refers to the tendency that an economic party can engage in unusually risky activities because the capital (money) that they are investing is not theirs and the negative effects of a potential loss will be suffered most by other parties.