Separation of power, by making different branches he is dividing the power of the government into groups so that the different branches all work on seperate things and have there different places and parts in the government and it's decisions
Answer: It depends on the time period.. but I’d say England and France if we’re talking about revolutionary war.
Students dropping out of school want peer support. If there is someone who will dropout too then there is some justification for dropping out. John is dropping out. He wants Mike to dropout too. If Mike agrees then John will feel as though he made the right decision and that dropping out must be okay because Mike is going to drop out with me.
Humanistic perspective in the field of psychology.
As the exercise presents, Ricardo (a victim of domestic abuse) is being adviced by her therapist to discover his uniqueness, while also being studied by her in order to build his confidence and help him regain his trust in people. She wants Ricardo to realize his potential and to not let his past define him. She believes that Ricardo is already on the path to recovery because he sought help of his own free will. Therefore, Dr. Shania Johnson is most likely in the fields of the humanistic perspective given that this current of thought pursues the study of the person as a whole, as an unique individual.