It means that pay tax but have no voice in the society. After the seven years war, British was in a big depth so they taxed the hell out of America. And America was angry about but couldn't do nothing. They said that they pay a bunch of taxes but have no voice in the government
Soapstone, Copper, Terra cotta. hope this helps
The United States annexes Hawaii in 1900 should be categorized as imperialism. Imperialism is a countries policy of creating an empire. It also maintains control to expand their control of raw materials and the world market. This is done by conquering other countries and establishing them as colonies. To improve trade with the United States, Kalakaua allowed them a limited use of Pearl Harbor as a naval base in 1887. Hawaii’s only ruling queen came to power in 1891. Liliuokalani tried to gain power by changing the laws of the constitution. In 1893, a revolution brought out the Republic of Hawaii. The United States annexed Hawaii in 1898 and two years later made it an official U.S. territory. All Hawaiians became citizens of the United States.
2. The United States declines to give aid to Hungarian patriots in 1849 should be categorized as Isolation. Isolationism is a national policy of avoiding political or economic entanglement with other countries. It is often used to describe the political climate of the United States in the 1930s. Isolationism does not try to close off the United States from the world's cultures and economies. Isolationism may support military actions that maintain the independent skills of the United States. In 1848, the US would not have even imagined getting involved in European crises. It went against everything that was believed at the time. We would have had no way of providing any help. Our Army and Navy were extremely small and we had very little diplomatic influence in Europe. We declined aid to the Hungarians because we did not want to harm our country.
3. The United States proposes the Open Door Policy in 1899 should be categorized as Intervention. The theory of interventionism examines the nature and justifications of interfering with another policy or with choices made by individuals. Interventionism is characterized by the use of force to change a political<span> </span>
Is too dangerous just for the sake of rating.
The Vietnam war was a colonial revolution rather than a civil war
- The war in Vietnam was a war fought between 1955 and 1975 to prevent the reunification of Vietnam under a socialist or communist government. In this war the Republic of Vietnam (South Vietnam) participated, which was against the communists, with the support of the United States and other allied nations of the United States against the local guerrillas of the National Front for the Liberation of Vietnam ( Viet Cong) and the Army of the Democratic Republic of Vietnam (North Vietnam), backed by China and the Soviet Union. The conflict began with an attempt to unify the two Vietnam in a single coalition government between nationalists, communists and neutrals, according to the initial proposal. The actions of the United States to prevent this reunification, together with a succession of violent, corrupt and inefficient dictatorships imposed by the United States, provoked the armed uprising of several groups united under the self-styled National Liberation Front, Viet Cong, quickly supported by the then Soviet Union and Mao's China. Initially Saigon was losing ground.
- The Korean War took place between 1950 and 1953. Its components were the Republic of Korea (or South Korea), supported by the armed forces of several countries commanded by the United States; and the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (or North Korea), supported by the People's Republic of China and the Soviet Union. The war was one of the earliest episodes of the Cold War. Excluding more than 3 million civilians and almost 15% of the population of the dead North, it constitutes one of the most bloodthirsty wars in history. Five years before, after the end of World War II, the United States and the Soviet Union agreed to split Korea into two. They drew the border on the 38th parallel, leaving the North in charge of the Soviet Union and the South in charge of the United States. Each superpower controlled in its respective area the constitution of two new states that were under their respective orbits: the Democratic People's Republic of Korea in the north and the Republic of Korea in the south. Although negotiations were held for the reunification of Korea in the months before the war, the tension intensified with cross-border skirmishes and incursions on the 38th parallel. The escalation of tension degenerated into an open war when North Korea invaded South Korea on the 25th. June 1950.